Come Join us at the
National Finals in Bengaluru

New Horizon College of Engineering, Bengaluru, 560103
Feb 8th & 9th, 2025!

Step into the World’s Largest Mixed-Gender Football League,

India’s Top LEGO Championship, and

Biggest Original Music Contest!

ELEVATE: Showcase of Excellence

ELevate is Enabling Leadership’s flagship event that is a celebration of excellence, showcasing the best talent from across the country on the national stage with the best teams coming together to participate in football, music, and Lego competitions.

Enabling Leadership’s programs develop essential Leadership skills in underserved children, and ELevate caps a year’s learning journey providing an amazing opportunity to practice their skills and hone them.

Delhi Concert
EL Pay Logo 2

Our football program, EL-Play hosts the largest mixed-gender tournament in the country with children taking part in mixed-gender League matches across our sites.

EL-Create, our music program hosts a unique music competition where children perform their own compositions.

EL-Build, our program that uses Lego-type building blocks competition showcases the most creative solutions to social problems in the students’ local communities.

ELevate is the annual flagship event of Enabling Leadership that celebrates excellence. More than just a competition, it offers children from government schools and low-income communities the opportunity to showcase their skills and knowledge they have acquired through Enabling Leadership’s programs. 

ELevate competitions encompass mixed-gender football leagues, music performances, and Lego showcases that culminate in National Finals at Bengaluru.