A Story About Football, School, and Success

In a few years, Janilia may look back and regard her introduction to an unfamiliar sport, where everyone kicked a ball, as a significant turning point in her life. The sport she’s referring to is actually football, and Janilia was introduced to it when Enabling Leadership launched its Play intervention at her school in Kumta.

Janilia’s childhood has been marked by some learning difficulties that resulted in extended absences from school. When Coach Ganesh, part of the Play program, learned about this, he decided to assist Janilia not only in the school environment but also in all aspects of her life.

He began by meeting with Janilia and her parents at their home, uniting them to tackle the issue together. Subsequently, he developed a strong rapport with Janilia, ensuring that she enjoyed the sessions. 

Alongside other students, he made certain that Janilia felt comfortable and content, which led to her falling in love with the game. Initially, she started coming to school regularly just for the sessions, but now, she attends even when there are no sessions.

Janilia’s class teacher, Shobha, observes the positive transformation. Not only is Janilia attending school consistently, but her academic performance has also improved. Furthermore, her social skills have seen significant progress. When asked about it, Janilia humorously remarks, “I love kicking the ball,” a sentiment echoed by Ganesh. 

During the sessions, Janilia is usually the first to prepare for practice, always brimming with energy and motivating her peers as well. According to Shobha, Janilia didn’t easily blend in with her classmates, but her love for and willingness to participate in a team sport serve as evidence of the program’s positive impact.

It has only been a few weeks since the sessions began, yet they have already significantly improved the school and overall learning experience for this young girl. In reality, at various stages of our lives, we all require guiding lights to help us navigate challenging times. Janilia represents just one of the many children we work with, the majority of whom hail from underprivileged backgrounds. 

Our program interventions not only nurture vital life skills in these children, enabling them to build a brighter future, but they also often serve as the support they hold onto for a happier and more fulfilling childhood. We are committed to making the world a better place for these children, not just in the future but in the present as well, and we are working towards this goal, one student at a time.

By Garima Kumar
Communications Associate